The rounded corners creates elegant, stylish and beautiful look of your design. This typeface is just like font scripted and curly that could make your design eye-catching and lovable. It can be used for commercial and personal desires, such as on t-shirts, invites, posters, letterheads, and badges. There is no need of a license for use of this font in your personal projects. But, if you will use this font for your commercial purpose then you have to pay some money. Here you can get the typeface that packed in zip formats, you can extract it by using WinRAR and use in your projects.
Selfie Font is a rounded font that we can use in powerpoint presentation, video games UIs, and magazines, etc. The font is available to download free for personal use but if you want to use it for commercial purpose then you might need permission from the owner.
Of course! You can check out our Font Installation guide for windows or a separate guide on installation of Fonts in Mac. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Selfie Font Free Download. Table Of Contents show. View of Selfie Font. Font Details. License Information. Fonts Similar to Selfie Font. Font Family Includes. Supported Languages. This is also perfect for your website and blog designing as well as App and Game development. Besides, You can create lots of interesting designs such as Posters, Book Covers, Signages, Catalogs, Business cards, Greeting cards, Certificate designs, and many more.
You can also make some interesting designs via its font generator tool for free of cost. You can also convert your simple text into graphics with the use of this font.
Here is a demo version of this typeface that is free from all the restrictions while using it in any personal project. However, in the case of commercial uses, a license is highly recommended that can get from the font author.
We are providing a free version of this typeface that can freely utilize in all your personal designing projects. This font family comes in five weights. There are lots of similar fonts to this typeface like Priscilla Script Font, Ortisan Signature Font but Thirsty Script Rought font is the closest font to this typeface.
This is a completely free font that you can use only in all your personal projects. If you want to use its whole family then you must purchase its license from the font author. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.